If my wife and I get divorced any time soon, it won’t be my fault.
Won’t be hers, either.
Instead, the blame rests squarely upon the shoulders of Southern Living magazine. This esteemed periodical has created a rift that has remained unsettled for weeks.
Southern Living didn’t open a can of worms. It was more like a four-pack of stick butter.
According to SL writer Katherine Owens, it’s perfectly fine to leave butter unrefrigerated. Owens based her story on the experiences of, and research by, Joelle Mertzel of Los Angeles.
Like My Dearest and I, Mertzel grew up in a household where butter lived exclusively in the fridge. It came out just long enough to see service on the table or in a recipe. Then it was back to the big chill.
Neither Mertzel nor Mary Ann nor I ever questioned this law — even though I never liked it. After all, butter is a dairy product, is sold in a refrigerated display case, and comes with a “keep refrigerated” notice on the package.
But then Mertzel began studying and discovered that more than 20 percent of Americans keep it on the shelf 24/7. She took her findings to a food safety lab for further tests. Turns out butter can be kept unrefrigerated for up to three weeks with no ill effect.
Ever the investigative journalist, I consulted other sources. Shazam! A number of food websites, including those from the dairy industry and research institutes, generally concurred — with certain limitations: The butter should be pasteurized and of the salted variety. It needs to be kept in an airtight container, away from direct sunlight.
The biggest area of disagreement was the timeline for non-refrigeration. Some experts suggested not more than a day or two; others stretched it out for a couple of weeks.
Upon hearing this news, I shouted in joy.
I’ve never been a fan of cold butter. Few dining frustrations irritate me more than trying to “spread” (I use the term loosely) this concrete on bread, rolls or toast. What results is a shredded piece of bread-like material topped with a gnarled yellow iceberg.
Room-temperature butter, on the other hand, glides on like satin.
Armed with this evidence, I presented it to She Who Rules and suggested we didn’t need to adhere to the strict butter dictums we had blindly followed lo these many decades. I might just as well have suggested we take up snake-handling.
Her resolve remained unchanged even in the face of scientific proof. I do believe the woman would have entertained the notion of an open marriage before yielding to the concept of unrefrigerated butter.
Perhaps we could compromise with “his” and “hers” butter dishes.
Sam Venable’s column appears every week. Contact him at sam.venable@outlook.com.